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Future Focused Learners 
Also known as the Y Generation or the Net Generation


Our students our Future Focused Learners!

This means:

  • Life without technology is non-existent;

  • Earlier generations introduced to information through print - this generation takes a digital path;

  • Technology is simply a means to an end;

  • Consistent multi-tasking - simultaneously watches TV; talk on phone; listen to music; interacts with social media etc.;

  • Gravitates to group work - working collaboratively;

  • The ability to move between the real world and the virtual world is instantaneous.

New ways to look at learning:


  • Ubiquitous learning: takes place anywhere, anytime, at any pace and on any learning device. Learning is no longer restricted to the classroom - the physical environment of schools are just a part of the learners experience. Learning continues at home, friend’s homes, on the bus etc. at any time using online technologies.

  • Agency is ‘the power to act’ to be informed, enabled and empowered learners. Opportunities are provided to become more active in their learning; contribute, create and collaborate.

  • Connectedness to others in their learning is collaborating, sharing information, making meaning and constructing new knowledge.

7 Important Skills for Future Focused Learners:


  • Critical thinking and problem-solving

  • Collaboration across networks and leading by influence

  • Agility and adaptability

  • Initiative and entrepreneurialism

  • Effective oral and written communication

  • Accessing and analyzing information

  • Curiosity and imagination

In our learning teams across the school, we strive to encompass all these skills that future focused learners need. 

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving


Students will:

  • Think clearly and rationally to analyse and apply it to real life.  

  • Have the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking.

  • Work through details of a problem to reach a solution.

  • Use their prior knowledge and experiences to respond to an unfamiliar situation.

Collaboration Across Networks and Leading by Influence


Students will:

  • Share and learn with others;

  • Work collaboratively schoolwide, nationwide and worldwide through the use of modern technology;

  • Take on a variety of roles to enable the development of influential leadership.

Agility and Adaptability



Students will:

  • think, be flexible and adaptable to change;

  • adapt to a variety of roles, responsibilities and contexts;

  • understand that there can be multiple solutions to a problem.

Curiosity and Imagination



Students will:

  • develop original ideas and create products in a student-centred environment;

  • work collaboratively and independently to analyse, evaluate, refine and improve their ideas; 

  • understand that making mistakes is an opportunity to learn.

Initiative and


Students will:

  • Turn ideas into action.

  • Be involved in creativity, innovation and risk taking.

  • Plan and manage projects in order  to achieve objectives.

Effective Oral and Written Communication

Students will be able to undertand what is being communicated

to them through:

  • Voice

  • Written (using printed or digital media such as books,           magazines, websites: or emails)

  • Visual aids (using logos, maps, charts or graphs)

  • Non verbal cues (body language, gestures, tone                            and/or pitch of voice

Accessing and Analysing Information


Students will:

  • Find, evaluate and synthesize information.

  • Use information from a variety of sources (web pages, magazines, podcasts, TV, face-to-face interviews and discussions, videos, surveys, books, etc.)

  • Understand how rapidly information is changing and adjust and adapt to the changes.

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